CLC psyched about new psychology club

Erik Hayner
Staff Writer

      CLC welcomed the Psychology club to its list of extracurricular groups. The club was officially established three weeks ago, the influence from CLC student Joe Huffman.

      In order to start a club, a student must suggest the college begins the club. Faculty may not start clubs on their own. Much of CLC’s psychology staff values the opportunity given to them by Huffman’s drive. There are six full-time psychology faculty members assisting the new group, as well as two professors acting as faculty advisers: Drs. Ken Kickuchi and Martha Lally.            

      Lally explained that joining (the club) to the twenty students isn’t difficult. 

      “The only requirement to be a part of Psychology Club is to have an interest in psychology and its related topics,” Lally said. 

      However, she also mentioned that psychology club adds an academically focused group to the roster of clubs. In that vein, students are granted an opportunity to discuss issues and to help those who might be interested in pursuing psychology as a career.

      Some of the topics students have delved into are, mirror neurons, dream analysis, research methodology and psychology in general. Members discuss once a week on Thursdays from 2:30 to 3:30 in room A246. 

      They have also begun planning events for next year. There will be debates, field trips, guest speakers and fundraisers. One fundraiser is planned for the current semester in an effort to get the word out and gather new members. There is no definite date for the fundraiser as of yet.

      To become a member of Psychology Club all a student needs to do is go to CLC’s official web site, log into their “My CLC” account and click on the community’s link at the top of the page.

      Under “Communities Available” there is a psychology community that was developed in January which contains a “Psych Club” link.

       From there, the student may login, join, and feel free to go to club meetings. Also found under that site are the names of the officers of Psychology Club, the dates they will meet, and a calendar of events.             

       Psychology Club provides an important degree of diversity to those clubs offered at CLC. There are now options for students that a more scientific or interest.

      Diversity in extracurricular groups relies largely on students taking a stand with their own interests. As an aid to career specialization, or simply as a flirtation with something you find yourself more drawn to, it seems psychology club might be the beginning of a trend at CLC.

      For students like Huffman who want to start a club, all that is necessary is a petition with 24 names of people that want to join and the name of a faculty member who is interested in advising the club.

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