BSU to celebrate 40 years of rich history, strong legacy
Meghan Gray
Staff Writer
Black Student Union, BSU, is an organization whose mission is to “empower minorities as a whole and work together to improve diversity.”
As the oldest student association at CLC, that is exactly what they have accomplished in their 40 years on campus.
The theme for this year is “Rich History, Strong Legacy.”
“Rich history is what has been passed down since the inception of the club,” Adviser Beverly Phelps said. “A strong legacy is what each student leaves behind once they leave the CLC community.”
Phelps has been involved with the organization since 2005 and became adviser in 2006. She shares duties with Co-Adviser Jorge Tennin.
What is the most rewarding aspect of being partnered with the Black Student Union?
“Mentoring students to further their education, to be in leadership roles, and really helping them succeed,” Phelps said.
The anniversary is not only momentous to BSU, it is historic for the entire CLC community.
The club sponsors various events on campus such as bake sales, Cheesy Thursdays, Black History Month, and Taste of Soul. They also volunteer their time at local nursing homes, participate in the annual “Make a Difference Day” and organize parties throughout the community.
The pinnacle event of this commemorative occasion is the Heritage Ball, which will be held May 8 at 7 p.m. at the Milan. Tickets for the ball are $25 and are on sale until April 10 at the CLC box office. The group will sell souvenir ad booklets. Former students and faculty members sponsor the historic celebration. Active Latino Alliance members can come for $10, guests $25.
BSU can be epitomized through four key words: empowerment, leadership, educate, and mentor. This lexis is what members strive to live up to on a regular basis.
President Brooke Baldwin describes the organization as a family. She has been a member since 2007 and was elected President in 2008. Baldwin also serves as a Senator for the Student Government Association and is the Political Action Chairperson for the CLC chapter of the NAACP.
“We empower ourselves mentally and spiritually,” Baldwin said.
According to Phelps, “The greatest challenge facing students is their maturity level because some of them aren’t ready to grow up.”
BSU combats this issue by providing leadership opportunities and experiences for personal growth.
“You may look at somebody and judge him or her on the outside. Really getting to know them and giving them an opportunity to shine, helps them to grow,” Phelps said.
These individuals are holding true to their objective, enabling those around them to adopt a diversified outlook.
“As minorities, we know how hard it is to be heard. This is an organization that makes people listen and believe in us,” Baldwin said.
Being a light to the community and involving more students is where BSU sees itself shifting towards the future.
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