A day in the taboo life - book review
Megan Schroeder
Staff Writer
In this world anything too close for comfort, with in your face notions, is considered taboo.
Alice Sebold, author of “The Lovely Bones,” pulls together some of the hardest things a person can say in her memoir “Lucky.” A poignant and ironic title, the book contains her account of her rape and the aftermath of such an intrusion of self.
The book is cut and dry and does not need to be anything more than that. It is done in a way to help the reader understand just how real it was. It’s a difficult book to read at times because of her unapologetic blunt truth.
It’s a hard kick to the stomach to hear anything about someone else’s misfortunes for those that have not had their lives altered so drastically.
It will be a sensitive topic for those that have been assaulted and never spoken about it.
According to the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network, “On average 1 in 6 women, and 1 in 33 men, will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime, college women are 4 times more likely to be sexually assaulted, and every 2 minutes someone in the United States is sexually assaulted.”
Victims of assault will be disturbed for the rest of their lives and Alice Sebold’s book will leave the reader with a haunted feeling, and a reminder of how cruel life can be.
It takes patience and a certain amount of empathy to read the book. It’s only recommended to those that are willing to accept that taboos aren’t necessarily taboo.
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